Pastoral Care, Chaplaincy & Women’s Mental Health Coaching

Community Chaplaincy

One of the core parts of ministry here at LCC, is serving our community. We do this through Community Chaplaincy.

Endorsed Chaplains and Lay Chaplains serve as ministers, outside the walls of the Church. You can find our Chaplains serving at;

  • The Local Firehouse
  • The Borough Hall
  • Retirement Homes
  • The Race Track
  • The Local Ambulance Squad
  • Community Events
  • Funeral Homes
  • The Grocery Store
  • Lewistown Hospital

Chaplains serve the people of the community, right where they are. Perhaps that’s you? How can our Chaplains serve you?

Feel free to send an email ( or call our office at 717.436.8174.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is an important part of our church dynamic. Perhaps you need support, or just someone to listen. Call the office at 717.436.8174,

Women’s Mental Health Coaching

We offer free Mental Health Coaching to women in our community through Beacon of Hope Compassion. Our Coach is Board Certified, and is qualified to take this journey with you. 

Want more info? call the “Hope Line” at 717.320.6312